What are 20 interesting facts about space?



What are 20 interesting facts about space?


Space is an amazing place. We're surrounded by tons of planets, stars, and galaxies that are billions of light years away - which means we'll never be able to see them with our own eyes. But what about those interesting facts about space? In this article, I've compiled 20 interesting facts about space that will help you get a better understanding of how big and spectacular our solar system is!

The Sun is 330,330 times the size of Earth.

The Sun is 330,330 times the size of Earth. In fact, it's 1,392,000 km in diameter and 1,392,000 km away from us. This means that if you were standing on one side of the planet and looked across to the other side (at its opposite pole), you would see a single point of light with no features at all.

The Sun's volume is 1.41 x 10^27 m3 (1,412,000,000,000,000,000,000 km3).

The Sun is a ball of gas that is 864,000 miles (1.46 x 10^6 km) in diameter and contains enough material to make all the stars in our galaxy. It's also more than 1,400 times bigger than Earth!

The Sun's volume is 1.41 x 10^27 m3 (1,412,000,000,000,000,000 km3), which is about 1/20th of all the matter in our galaxy—but it takes up 99% of its total mass!

The Moon is 27% the size of Earth and is moving away at about 4 centimeters a year.

The Moon is 27% the size of Earth and is moving away at about 4 centimeters a year. The reason why this happens is because of tidal forces, which are caused by the gravitational pull between two objects in space. The moon's orbit around Earth has decreased by about 1/3rd since its creation, meaning that it will eventually reach an apogee and begin to fall back towards Earth again. This phenomenon is called perihelion precession (the same thing happens with Mercury).

The average temperature on the moon is 107 degrees Celsius during the day and -153 degrees Celsius at night.

The temperature on the moon is extreme. During the day, it ranges from 107 degrees Celsius (226 degrees Fahrenheit) to -153 degrees Celsius (-237 degrees Fahrenheit). This is because there's no atmosphere to trap heat like we have here on Earth and reflect sunlight back into space.

Extreme temperatures could be dangerous for humans if they were exposed to them for long periods of time. However, this wouldn't happen until someone set foot on Mars or some other planet with an atmosphere—and even then, only if they stayed indoors all day long!

Mars has the largest volcano in the solar system. Olympus Mons stands 21km (13 miles) high. It would be able to cover the entire state of Arizona with lava.

Mars has the largest volcano in the solar system. Olympus Mons stands 21km (13 miles) high. It would be able to cover the entire state of Arizona with lava if it were on Earth.

This mountain is so big that it can be seen from space!

Jupiter's red spot is a huge spinning storm that has been going on for hundreds of years. It measures a whopping 20,000 km across. This would be able to swallow Earth whole!

The red spot is actually a huge spinning storm that has been going on for hundreds of years. It measures a whopping 20,000 km across! This would be able to swallow Earth whole!

The popular theory about how this came about is that Jupiter's atmosphere contains ammonia and water vapor, which causes the gas giant to emit light. As these gases swirl around inside Jupiter's atmosphere, they can create whirlpools that affect how the sunlight hits the planet's surface (and thus create those magnificent auroras).

Saturn's rings are made mostly of ice particles with a smattering of rock debris and dust. They may have formed from fragments of comets, asteroids, or shattered moons broken up by Saturn's gravity.

Saturn's rings are made mostly of ice particles with a smattering of rock debris and dust. They may have formed from fragments of comets, asteroids, or shattered moons broken up by Saturn's gravity.

According to NASA scientists, the ring system is likely made up of material left over from the formation of our solar system 4 billion years ago. The rings can be seen when they're dark enough for viewing but light pollution prevents them from being visible during daytime hours on Earth.

Uranus has 27 known moons and its ring system was discovered in 1977 when a team at NASA was studying images taken by Voyager 2 when it flew past Uranus five years earlier.

Uranus has 27 known moons and its ring system was discovered in 1977 when a team at NASA was studying images taken by Voyager 2 when it flew past Uranus five years earlier. The rings are made of ice particles with a smattering of rock debris and dust. They may have formed from fragments of comets, asteroids, or shattered moons that collided with Uranus’s surface over time.

Neptune has 14 moons and appears deep blue due to atmospheric methane which absorbs red light leaving behind only blue light for us to see on earth through our telescopes.

Neptune has 14 moons, which are named after mythological figures. Neptune is the eighth planet from the sun and is a gas giant. It has a deep blue color due to atmospheric methane, which absorbs red light leaving behind only blue light for us to see on earth through our telescopes.

Neptune's atmosphere contains more than 90% helium and less than 1% hydrogen by mass; it also contains some sodium chloride (common table salt), but no oxygen or nitrogen because they would cause an increase in pressure inside Neptune if they became abundant enough in its atmosphere.


There are many other interesting facts about space, but these are just a few of them. I hope this article has given you some insight into this mysterious universe we live in and what is going on out there! If you enjoyed reading about these 20 facts then please share them with your friends and family so they can learn something new as well!

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